Wholistic Ministry
For the Most Vulnerable
Meeting physical & spiritual needs throughout East Africa

No one should suffer alone
With our busy lives, it’s easy to forget the most vulnerable–especially when they are out of sight. Many of the helpless are continually left out beyond the fringes, out of reach, even by organizations designed to help needy people. But surely we can do something to ease their suffering!
we understand the dilemma
We’ve served in the American Church our entire adult lives. When God called us overseas, we stepped into leadership of a thriving non-profit that reaches thousands in East Africa.

While Northern Uganda may already seem like the ends of the earth, we kept finding pockets of desperate souls unable to access existing services. So we have designed a trustworthy organization with a solid plan to transform the lives of the most severely diseased, lost, disabled, and others in deepest need.
Our Work is Wholistic
Here’s how Journey International meets the needs of the most vulnerable:

Through our Salvation Sheds, we assist pastors in building the Church where it has not been before. Gathering places give access to the Good News about Jesus, ministering to the spiritual needs of the forgotten.

Through our Journey Centers, we provide medical care, food, clothing, family support, and other tangible resources to those in desperate physical need. Especially those suffering from the mysterious disease known as Nodding Syndrome.
Lives are Being Transformed
Jesus said… ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
Matthew 22:37-39
See Your Impact
Your support of Journey International is impacting individuals, families, and entire communities.