
This is our hearts desire: that those seeking the Lord will find Him.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

As believers, we are always creating places and opportunities for people to meet Jesus. As missionaries, we facilitate environments for those serving and those receiving to interact and share Real life. These are the one-on-one stories of struggles and victories. There is nothing more beautiful than sharing a testimony that helps lift someone else out of the pit. It gives people truth and hope of a better life with Jesus. Those who are born again share the beauty of Jesus and the price He paid for their salvation, deliverance, and healing.

This picture was taken some years back at a pastor and leaders conference in Pader, and this woman could not seem to get enough of what she was hearing and seeing, yet not willing to step inside. There is something about Jesus that draws people in. Let us do our part and help those who are seeking, those who have questions, those who are hurting, those who have doubts and fears. Let’s do our best to always have the door open to those on the outside looking in. Some people just need that simple invitation to make that life changing move.

Will you join us today as we journey with those who are seeking?

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