The Knife

On our Journey today I acquired this knife.

This Mzee (old man) said he has had it since 2007! 
It is worn thin with all of those years of work clearing land, harvesting the crops, defending his family and property… (don’t worry, I gave him enough shillings to get a new one, plus:) He has been praying for that! Amazing how God answers our prayers!

God’s Resources

It has started me thinking about the Journey we are each on in life and the tools (knife) and resources God gives each one of us to navigate each and every day. The ability to use what we have to gather food, provide shelter, and protect those things dear to us. Then I think about the ones God has called us to serve and in the midst of their struggle where there seems to be no fairness in the equipping (they have no knife so to speak). Especially when we go to those children and families suffering from Nodding Syndrome and they do not have the resources needed for basic survival. I am sure I am not the only one who has asked God why? Why does it have to be this way? Why is there this type of suffering and lack? Why them?

A well worn knife

As we have prayed for them and held them, God has reminded us, I sent them you!
You are the Knife!
You are the ones who can help, there is no lack! I have given each of you a free will to use your Knife for bad or good… You can use your Knife to help set the captives free, you can use your Knife for provision and safety… it is you whom I have chosen.

Matthew 28:20 – I am with you… The Lord has made each one you a Knife, are we willing to use
it for His glory and to serve His children. Are we willing to open our eyes, ears, mouth, and heart, are we willing to use these hands and feet to go on this Journey with Him…

I hope and pray your knife will be as well-worn as the Mzee’s…

We Love you!

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